The reason?
The firewall at my place of employment has now blocked my blog. Not Blogger or Blogspot in general, but my blog specifically. I can update it, but without the means to look at comments or check if the photos look correct and all that, I don't feel like the old blog would be as efficient as it would be if I COULD do those.
And my at-home time is play time.
So no more blog, for now. Like I said, it may change in the future.
I can still read all of your blogs (adding new ones all the time) via Google Reader, and I will do so pretty much every weekday. I may comment if my work's firewall lets me, but most likely I will be unable to.
Anyhoo, sorry to the
I will still be around, like I said, and still playing the game. As of the date of this post, E the paladin is now 80 and in the process of gearing up to be a heroics tank for Emblem of Frost farming.
I may be inspired in the future to write something, but as of late I've been sort of "bleh" about the blog already - my interest was waning as it has been in the game itself. I'm still a raider at heart and will probably still be playing until Cataclysm.
EDIT: I deleted the part of this post about the names of my toons - will explain in the next post.
I'll still check this site sometimes, too, so feel free to drop me a line.
And with that, I'm out - keep writing and I'll keep reading!